About Brighton Center
To create opportunities for individuals and families to reach self-sufficiency through family support services, education, employment and leadership.
To be an innovative leader that strengthens the vitality of the community and engages people as they work and live to achieve their hopes and dreams.
What We Do
Brighton Center wraps a community of support around individuals and families by tackling the issues that prevent people from becoming self-sufficient, removing the barriers they face, and creating hope so that goals can be achieved and dreams realized. From our modest beginnings in 1966, we have grown to provide a wide range of programs and services which include meeting basic needs, adult and early childhood education, workforce development, substance abuse recovery for women, affordable housing, financial education and counseling, youth services, and neighborhood based programs.

How We Change Lives
Our comprehensive approach to bundling services and programs allows us to meet the often complex needs of a family. Our approach is based on a philosophy that families become our partners in creating change by sharing their hopes and dreams then setting goals to accomplish them. Self-sufficiency is a constantly evolving process and we have learned that families move through the continuum based not only on their current situation but also their long-term goals. Our Financial Opportunity Center (FOC) model of service provides structure for bundling services for our customers from three core service areas: Employment Services, Financial Counseling, and Income Supports. The combination of services working in tandem empowers our customers through increased earnings; reduce expenses, and the knowledge to make appropriate financial decisions that lead to asset building. As an agency we bundle services based on the individualized needs of those we serve based on their hopes and dreams for the future.

Who We Serve
In Fiscal Year 2020, Brighton Center impacted the lives of 46,455 individuals from infants to senior citizens through 41 distinct programs and services in the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati area.

Why We Serve
Even the smallest of obstacles can lead to huge barriers in achieving stability. Each and every day we celebrate victories our families achieve as they build a strong foundation for life. We tackle the barriers that lead to a crisis in the first place.
Many of the people who come to Brighton Center have struggles related to:
- Finding jobs paying a livable wage
- Affordable housing
- Quality childcare options
- Help pursuing educational opportunities without taking on more debt
- Managing their finances
Where they see an impossible amount of barriers, we see strength and determination and with that, our families start believing again in what they had lost… HOPE!
Our Core Values
- Each individual has inherent worth and dignity.
- All families and individuals know their situation better than anyone and are able to examine choices and make decisions that will affect their lives.
- Our staff establishes a respectful relationship with families and individuals that builds on and enhances strengths, and fosters involvement in community life.
- Our programs are community-based, accessible, appreciative of differences, operate with a minimum of bureaucracy, and have a positive impact on families and individuals.
- Our community is strengthened by our partnership with families and individuals to encourage them to serve as resources to each other, and to establish, promote, and build civic, school and community responsibility.
- Our staff is committed to continual growth and change and a willingness to meet community needs.
- We offer community-wide leadership in planning and developing effective services.
- We encourage collaborative efforts that will result in better services for the families and individuals of our community.
- We are accountable to our community, funders, and Board of Directors for the effectiveness of the services we provide.